Take the Virtual Assistant Challenge

Participate in each of the activities below and when you’re done you’ll know how to expand your accomplishments using virtual assistants (VAs). Share your progress by joining the mastermind community

What is a Virtual Assistant (VA)?

Hiring a Virtual Assistant (VA) can change your business and your life. They provide small businesses with the support they need to thrive. 

Read our reference post to discover the many benefits of hiring VAs and what they can do for you and your business.    

From cost-effectiveness and increased productivity to access to global talent and improved work-life balance, virtual assistants offer a multitude of benefits.

Share what tasks you would like to have a VA do to free up your time and energy. 

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Have you ever worked with a VA or done VA work? Did you do it through a company or hire direct?

Tell us in our small business Mastermind Community what you learned and what questions you have on how to use VAs in your own business. 

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Training Your VA

Even if your VA already has skills, they will still need training on how you want their skills applied. Being very clear on your expectations is essential to your success.  

Share any tips you have on how you train others to accomplish what you normally do yourself. 

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Setting Up Processes 

Processes are essential to a productive experience working with a VA. How will you communicate? Where are projects, tasks and processes documents? 

Share in our Mastermind Community what project management tools and systems you use. 

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Share How a VA Could Benefit You

Even if you don't plan to hire a VA now, share with the Mastermind community what tasks you could outsource to a virtual assistant. 

Also discuss how having a VA could improve your life and enhance your business. If you're a VA, please share what type of services you offer. 

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