Cindy Cyr gives you a formula made up of a series of strategies, principles, and actions that will lead you to the financial freedom and work-from-anywhere lifestyle you’re longing for. Read More
Many federal employment laws – such as the Family and Medical Leave Act, the Americans with Disabilities Act, Title VII and COBRA – don’t apply to any business with fewer than 15 employees. But some laws can apply to a business with even just one employee. Read More
Your franchisor is likely providing you several types of franchise technology. Are you taking advantage of it? You should. read what Joel Libava has to say about all of the great tools that are availbale for franchisees. Read More
Where Do Influency and Design Intersect? Right at the point that education about what's REALLY happening breaks down. You CAN create influential business change Read More
It is sooooo important before launching off into any new business venture or path to take the time to make sure it is the right fit. Don’t assume, don’t try to make it fit because you like the color or the style, KNOW it is the right fit.

This means doing your research. It means looking at the b Read More
Hotel managers can use Hotelogix to manage virtually every aspect of their properties operation and distribution. The web-based platform offers a web-booking module that hotels can integrate into their existing websites. Using this module, guests can enter their preferred dates and room selections, Read More
Dealing with a personal tragedy or community crisis is never easy. Businesses will often close for a few days and it seems appropriate to stop all social media activity. Here's what I did. Read More
Well crap, today started out like every other day until you found yourself joining the ranks of the unemployed. You’ve been canned. Sucks, I know. What now ? After going through the full spectrum of emotions, you realize something must be done. A new job ? Sit and mull it over for a while ? Read More
Leadership skills

Leadership skills are a blend of six specific skills that, when combined together, allow the individual person to be able to function as a leader.

What are those six specific skills?

They are:
1. Desire
2. Imagination
3. Communication
4. Planning
5. The ability Read More
Retail stores replaced nearly all conventional cash registers with computerized point of sale (POS) systems and for good reasons. POS assets provide detail record keeping that is great for both front end and back office customer service efforts. Read More

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