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Words have meaning.

What you say is rooted in what you think about. What you think in your head... slips past your lips.

Maybe not today or tomorrow. Maybe not even for the next decade or two.

But it's inevitable.
Head mojo turns into lip activity.
If you find yourself saying... Read More
In this audio, Silvia Quintanilla interviews Eric Doner, founder of Achievement Training Associates. Eric is chock full of valuable advice for any sales manager looking to take their sales team to the next level. Read More
The best sales results come from having a laser like focus on specific “target” companies. Here are a few tips to help you develop a great list Read More
I was working with a group of sales people earlier this week. The big complaint was the number of prospects who were on vacation. Everyone is entitled to a vacation. In fact they should be required to take one. A break might have your prospect come back with a fresh outlook that could open the door for you!

That does not mean you can sit back and take time off. It means you need to focus on something productive… something that can long term results. I’ll share two ideas Read More
Are YOUR words so salesy that they throw off a smokescreen which prevents you from being seen as a high-integrity resource Read More
Everyone has a pet word (or phrase) of habit that is probably not results-driven, and that may be costing you sales. I heard a salesman say “Trust me” to a prospect the other day seven times in four minutes.. Read More
Your SPARKLE words should always include some kind of specific, value-perceived offer . . . something your prospective sales leads (individuals or organizations) can get in return for responding to your marketing message, along with a description of what step or steps need to be taken in order to “cash in” on the offer Read More
Results-driven words in emails need to tip the sale scale in your favor. When you’re writing personally to a customer or prospect, keep the words short, simple, and to-the-point Read More
Accountability… to some it’s a word synonymous with punishment… to others it’s a way of life rooted in integrity. The way you react to daily challenges can put you below the line in the victim cycle or above the line on the steps to personal accountability Read More
Results-driven words make a difference between being in sales and selling. “Breaking a leg” and “Bringing down the house” mean wholly different things when applied to a stage performer or a demolition team.

The secret to generating online sales and sales leads has less to do with fancy website graphics and fat advertising budgets than it does with the words you use, and the ways you deliver them Read More

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