On 27, June 2011, there was good news from Google that now our blog will be powered with Google Page Rank 2 from now onwards. It been the most demanding quality we always worked for. Since we have started blogging, there has been many Ups and downs, but we never failed to stand up again. Read More
Losing data from your computer has been the same old story and is the most common thing that could occur to your social networking site, and why to tell you the truth I lost once my social networking account that I needed to start all over again. Read More
I am an owner of several websites hosted on a few good web hosting companies that have met my needs for the last 3 years. What I am about to share with you will most definitely save you heaps of time and money when it comes to choosing a great web hosting company and you must avoid the 3 most commo Read More
Do you use Macs in your business? If you do, your work life is about to get a lot simpler. If you don’t, you might be ready to switch after learning about the upgrades Apple is planning to its desktop, laptop and mobile operating systems. Combined with Apple’s iCloud service, the changes will strea Read More
My new high deductible plan, combined with a HSA, will help me keep more of my money for me, while at the same time making sure that my family is protected against unexpected health issues. Check your employer's health plan to see if this is an option for you. Read More
I've always been a staunch proponent of inbound marketing - in particular, I think creating genuinely useful, highly-relevant, SEO enhanced content can, in the long run, benefit pretty much any type of online endeavor you can imagine. Read More
Presenting your startup vision as a founder to a potential investor, or presenting an idea as an employee to an executive, requires that you effectively communicate, or “translate”, the value proposition into terms that the receiver can fully understand and appreciate. If you fail, it’s your loss, Read More
Undoubtedly the biggest question people have to answer is how much money they need to raise. While every investor advises differently on the topic, one thing is always true: there’s no magic number or formula that you can follow. We asked five of our expert investors “How much money should I raise? Read More
There is nowhere to hide on the internet and everything is becoming more and more trackable. For the most part everything is measurable now so you can easily see what is working for you online and what isn’t – allowing you to make valuable changes. Even the old argument about social media not havin Read More
Did you know that 80% of all trade show sales leads are never followed up on. Did you also know that 80% of all leads are not ready to buy and that 80% of leads don't purchase until after the 5th contact. Read More

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