These stories submitted by Billrice will be featured BizSugar's homepage

PYou have a new desk, a nice chair, and a fancy phone. You have a blank tablet, your favorite pen, and a computer. You have a product or service and a great pitch lined up. You’ve got sales goals written on the whiteboard and everyone’s names–ready to record their contribution.

But, the office is deafeningly quite. How do you get sales lead flowing into a new sales team Read More
Making new friends is hard. There’s a lot of anxiety in that first interaction. Will they like me? Do we have anything in common? Will I like them? How do I start things off?

I know, this is a blog about sales. Stay with me. We’ll get there.

The result of all this anxiety is that we often wait around for just the right moment, endlessly search or wait for someone to introduce us, or worse…simply avoid the introduction Read More
I support large sales organizations trying to get the most out of generally very talented people. Unfortunately, many of these people don’t believe it. Or have forgotten it along the way. And it all comes out in a flurry of reasons why I can’t.

Now I’m not a mindless follower of the think yourself rich cult, but I do know (as my Dad often said) “Can’t Never Did Anything. Read More
Buying Internet leads to support your sales team is a great marketing short-cut. You get experts to do the hard work of generating Web traffic, creating compelling offers, and optimizing lead conversion. Typically that all works together to give you reasonable results–more sales and less marketing overhead.

Before you declare success, I want to suggest another step in the lead buying process. A practice that you might even want to make sure you do before you buy anymore Internet leads Read More
I’ve had several clients recently ask me the same question: “Where’s the lead market headed next?”

Well, I’m no soothsayer or seer, but I think these kind of trends are pretty easy to breakdown into reasonable predictions. So, better than giving you a one line prediction. I’ll give you a freebie and walk you through some of my analysis Read More
Here’s a freebie: if I were an author looking to get the most out of the social web (and I am), I’d do something along the lines of what I’m about to share. Your mileage may vary, but here’s a decent approximation of the things I’d do. Please feel free to share liberally. Just link back to An Author’s Plan for Social Media Efforts, please Read More
When you hear or think about lead buying your mind often drifts to marketing. But really the advantage of buying leads is that the marketing is already done for you. Sure there are some differences based on lead generation methods, but really the secret to successfully buying and converting leads come down to your sales process.

Lead management is the secret to making that sales process disciplined and consistent Read More
I just got a Forrester Research Alert today in my email. It directed me to a new report entitled, “Technology Buyer Insight Study: Executives’ Preferred Forms of Sales Contact.” If you are so inclined, you can purchase it here for $499.

I’m not going to buy it, but I think it’s a really interesting question. One that would be really valuable to present to the Better Closer community Read More
Mostly, I want to talk to you about affiliate marketing for your own benefit, because I think it can be helpful to you, especially in this down economy.

Affiliate marketing. It gets such a bad rap from some Read More
Results shared from recent events where mobile marketing was used with face to face connections, as well as an audience. Is mobile marketing worth *your* time? Read More

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