When it comes to working at home, there is a belief that real jobs that offer a fair salary do not exist. And that’s assuming you can even find work for a company that seeks home workers.

Here’s my prediction: The year 2014 and even into 2015 may be the best time to snag that coveted work at hom Read More
If your site is taking too much time to load chances are that you’ll not only lose customers but the site will also go down on ranking. Google will penalize your site for slow loading. Read More
Do you sit in front of the phone wondering just what you're going to say on that cold call? Do you avoid introducing yourself to a potential lead? You may be suffering from the fear of sales. I did, and I got over too. Read More
It's only been about 4 months since I got hired at my current job. At first, I thought it was just going to be another retail job with no potential and I would just work there to fund my online business. I quickly started liking the job, and here is how I got promoted so quickly. Read More
Accountability for one's actions and resulting outcomes is a hard thing to learn and accept, but once you do, you success will increase in all aspects of sales, and life. Read More
Many managers are risk averse. Consequently, when faced with a problem they can react in one of two wrong management solutions. This blog talks about the gambler. Read More
It should not be news by now that an optimized Facebook page can have an impact on organic search results. However, beyond tagging photos, filling out the short and long descriptions, general information, and other fields available for optimization on the Facebook page info tab, there is even more Read More
Whether you are starting a business or having a bad quarter, you need to know the signs of stress and one good way to deal with them. Read More
There are over 50 million blogs in the world. Did you ever think you put that number? Think that behind those 50 million blogs, there are at least 50 million people writing, updating and promoting those blogs. For many of them, it is just a hobby. For others it is a way of life to learn and earn. Read More
Generation Jones makes up 1/4 of all marketing persona. This group's age is from the low 40s to mid 50s. They make the most money, are secure in their jobs and are a marketer's dream. How are you marketing to them Read More

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