I can’t believe it’s really been an entire year since I first took over this blog.

At the same time it seems so long ago and yet it also feels like it was just yesterday. I don’t exactly understand how that’s possible and yet it is.

So much has happened since the guest post that turned into Read More
Time management training Effective meetings

Meetings take up a lot of time.
And many meetings can degenerate into a waste of time.

Have you ever attended a poor meeting which was a waste of your time?
You are not the only one!

Because time is money, meetings should be conducted properly! Read More
If you want to use the best SEO strategy to push your website search engine rankings to the top, then this blog post along with the videos will be extremely helpful to you.

As you know, there are tons of different SEO strategies and everybody has an own approach to this. However, no matter how Read More
The traditional mode of starting a company is to plan a serial process, where you complete only once all the steps, leading to the “big bang” launch of the company. I strongly recommend a dramatic departure from this model, called “planned iteration,” where you assume you won’t get it right the fir Read More

iPhone 5 Screen Size

iPhone 5 Screen Size - http://techwalls.com Avatar Posted by ricky86 under Technology
From http://techwalls.com 4852 days ago
An interesting rumor from DigiTimes suggests that the next generation iPhone 5 will feature a 4-inch display and an A5 processor. Read More
Did you know that there is one thing that you can do that will have a significant impact on your sales? This one thing is 20 X's more effective than what most sales people do today. Read More
Welcome to the Weekly Wrap Up!

I really enjoy reading about people who bravely choose to just be who they are, finally deciding that they are self-worthy. In my searches for posts on the subject of authenticity, I had fun traveling down several rabbit holes. I find some of the best blogs, when I Read More
In September, the Census Bureau released data from its first look at franchising across a wide range of industries. Collected as part of the 2007 Economic Census, this data provides interesting insights into an important mode of doing business. Read More
Improving your traffic and rankings for your blog is no longer the preserve of geeky teenagers locked away in their bedrooms. It is now serious a business – particularly if you aim is to monetize your blog, and produce a reasonable return on your investment. Read More
Nearly a year and a half into making small strides in one of the smallest niches on the Internet—the MILblog (military blog) community—our traffic started going up. We had one question.

Why? Read More

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