Many companies make their customers wait on the phone when they call them for customer service. However, they are missing out on great opportunity to build long-lasting relationship with customer and sell. This post explains why every customer contact should be treated as an opportunity to sell you Read More
What I’m going to talk about in this article is using social media to increase your leads. And how to target the right people. The videos below will show you how to be successful with social media. Read More
It’s that time of year, everyone’s focused on getting the second quarter done. The year’s half way over, managers are reviewing deals and forecasts. We’re doing all we can to get deals closed, to finish the first half on or above target. Read More
Welcome to this week’s roundup of awards, contests and competitions for growing companies and entrepreneurs.

This list is brought to you every other week by Small Business Trends and Read More
Business blogging is about generating interest and revenues in your product or service. That's it. If your business blog is not doing this, this is your fault and not that of your audience - actual or desired. If it's not delivering where are you placing responsibility? Read More
If your blog doesn’t have a "Hire Me" tab, you are missing out on potential work. Many businesses do not think to hire someone whose blog they enjoy, but the presence of a "Hire Me" tab would prompt them to do so. Clearly spelling out prices and policies increases sales as well. Read More
The Business Beware team explains why some customer service experts are not always right on their tips and advice. Read More
Have you ever write a blog post, leaving it lying on your post editor, don't know whether what to expect when you publish the post? Well, I do have those considerations sometimes. I have written a post, foolproof it, check everything and waiting to press the publish button. But these questions come Read More
Taken from one perspective, SLA's are very powerful. The process of establishing and aligning around goals and objectives between organizations and functions is very powerful and critical. Great SLA's establish clear goals and priorities, define roles and responsibilities, establish common metrics, Read More
This blog checklist will tell you why you must build traffic before writing those super stellar posts; why you must save some of the best content for the future ! Read More

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