Michaelwesten voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Design Pickle is the WPCurve for graphic design. Launched January 21st, 2014, they are now at over $20k in monthly revenue and 100+ clients.

In this post Russ Perry, Founder of Design Pickle, shares his journey of going from fear to focus to help you navigate the murky and often uncertain waters Read More
In this guide, I will share with you how I managed to close 3 clients in just a month while spending only 1 hour per day marketing at Linkedin. Read More
Every business owner has a choice of operating either from a leased property or purchase own commercial property to run the day-to-day activities of the business. For a business that need regular cash flows and have just started operations leasing a property would be a better option. Read More
Do you want to be a master networker by collecting business cards and contact information as fast as you can? Hold on because you are going it on the wrong way. Networking is not just about going to parties and exchanging business cards with strangers you're not actually interested in, networking m Read More

How Many Hours Should You Put Into Your Business

How Many Hours Should You Put Into Your Business - http://www.successharbor.com Avatar Posted by George Meszaros under Startups
From http://www.successharbor.com 3294 days ago
Made Hot by: kingofcontent92 on May 29, 2015 9:37 pm
Have you been wondering how many hours should you put into your business?Does working endless hours make you a hero or a failure?If you had to set a weekly time limit, how many hours would you say is the least number of hours you need to succeed in business? Read More
Social selling is an approach to internet retail (currently dubbed a “hot new trend”) that allows retailers to capitalise on social media interest in their products and offer more immediate conversion mechanisms. More broadly speaking, social selling is a new approach to online selling that priorit Read More
In this #TYBCommuniy round up we include articles about writing the ultimate blog post, how to add calls-to-action to your Facebook page, building a massive audience for your content marketing, why your start-up must have a website, why your app is being uninstalled, where to work, how to create a Read More
How HMS can bring loyalty and increase guest experience?Read here Read More
A/B testing is a great way to find out what works for your site and what not. Here are ten quick A/B testing ideas that will change the way customers interact with your website: Read More
The Retailers using the Beacon Technology can increase their potentiality beyond their shop. Beacon help the Retailers to understand and reward their customers and this in turn helps in building a stronger relationship with them. Read More

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