These stories submitted by AWAI will be featured BizSugar's homepage

Who doesn't love free publicity? Cindy Cyr explains how to write a press release that will get picked up by media outlets and drive clients to you. Read More
If a company is making money and getting clients, they're doing something that you could apply to your business. Cindy Cyr takes this idea to bring "borrowing smart" up to a new level. Read More
As a new freelancer, one thing I struggle with is how to be productive during the day.

Back when I worked in an office, I was the person everyone came to when they needed something done. Now that I’m on my own, it seems like no matter how much time I put in, I can never get everything done that Read More
Landing a client should never be a "one night stand." Creating a relationship with a client will not only keep the checks coming, but as Steve Roller explains, it can open the door to new relationships and possibilities as well. Read More
Great! You just got off the phone with a dream client who offered you the project. You can’t wait to start. After doing a little dance, you write up your proposal and send it off that same day.

Then, you wait.

And, you probably wait some more. It’s not exactly a dirty, little secret, but wait Read More
John Wood helps you create the pre-headline that will get prospects to the headline, the email subject line. Read More
I’m going to share with you how you can boost your productivity by ignoring your schedule.

No — I haven’t gone crazy!

Let me explain by telling you a story about my cats. Don’t worry, it’s a short one … Read More

Lost in Transition

Lost in Transition - Avatar Posted by AWAI under Strategy
From 4055 days ago
Heather Robson explains how multitasking could actually be killing your productivity and includes strategies on how to be more efficient. Read More
Creating content is a major step in creating a profitable freelance career. In today's Writer's Life, Christina Gillick helps you find an idea that can help bring in the clients, and the checks. Read More
Mindy Tyson McHorse reminds us, even with the independence of the writer's life, you still need help from time to time. And in our close knit community, your answers could be just an email or phone call away. Read More

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