Nikhilganotra voted on the following stories on BizSugar

How do you generate more clicks and sales? Hint: personalization.

Columnist Steve Olenski discusses three custom tools that will help you create an irresistible offer and engage your audience. Read More

Email marketing evolution: 3 trends

Email marketing evolution: 3 trends  - Avatar Posted by erikemanuelli under Online Marketing
From 3232 days ago
Made Hot by: reetikagupta on July 30, 2015 9:27 am
According to data from Smart Insights, across all industries, the average email open rate is 22.87 percent and the average click-through rate is a mere 3.26 percent. That means roughly 97 percent of all marketing emails accomplish nothing.

Email marketing must become more adaptive and better tai Read More
If you want to make people buy more of your stuff, find out why they're purchasing in the first place. Read More
Building and selling your first website design should be simple. Your customers are hiring you for your design skills not your coding skills, so it is essential that the building process does not get in the way of the desired result.

If you start looking at the different website builders it is e Read More
Promoting your content is a hard, consistent work. Naturally you try like hell to put your content in front of as many people as possible via all kinds of social media. So the first obvious action you think of is to grow your audience number. Such logic is pretty straightforward: more followers, mo Read More
If you are really serious about doubling your website traffic WITHOUT SEO, then you must check out this post and I am very sure that you will LOVE it. Read More
After reading this post, you will come to know how to show the upcoming posts to your visitors so that stay updated and subscribe to your mailing list. Read More
Let me tell you; you need to try your best to keep things simple, while you are building things online. Getting free organic traffic from the search engines is a process, and a project, that you will need to start building from scratch. Read More
WordPress is considered to be the most popular CMS in the industry and is being used by millions of webmasters worldwide. Using WordPress you can create any type of website you’re interested in as it doesn’t require any coding knowledge like an eCommerce, Sports or a coupon Website.

Yes, you can Read More
SEO Link Building is considered to be a most essential part of Search Engine Optimization. Unless you are having quality links pointing to your website… you will not be able to drive good search engine rankings.

Google displays results for any query which depends on many factors like Domain Age, Read More

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