How do you generate more clicks and sales? Hint: personalization.

Columnist Steve Olenski discusses three custom tools that will help you create an irresistible offer and engage your audience.


Written by lyceum
3192 days ago

Ivan: Thanks for the link. I wonder if I will be able to click on it, as a cat fan! ;)

I think that Google AdWords has to do some work to become really personalized...

Written by lyceum
3193 days ago

Erik: I believe that personalized marketing will have great role in the future, as the same thing as personalized search. Do you have any examples of companies that have been good at personalize the marketing, catered to you as an individual?

Written by ivanpw
3193 days ago


Google AdWords :D

But seriously speaking, here's a good example: The dog products seller personalizes by segment their customers by the dog's size.

Written by nikhilganotra
3193 days ago

Great post Erik.

I keep reading marketing land blogs as they are really very informative those who want to succeed in Online Marketing field. And after reading this post, I realized why some brands are not able to drive a good CTR.

Yes, it is true that if you want your visitors to become your customers, the key is to solve their problems. Giving them eBooks, Podcasts, Tutorials for free. And yes, this tactic works very well.

Thanks for sharing.

Written by erikemanuelli
3193 days ago

Thank you, Nikhil.

Glad you liked the share!

Written by nirmalablog
3194 days ago

It is a well-known thing that the humans have the little attention span and yes, we need to work in a smart way to grab more eyeballs for our product/service.

I like the efficient strategies listed by the author and the concept "Adaptive pricing" is new to me.

Yeah, I agree that the call-to-action has more value, and it would be good to add the personal touch to win the customer's heart.

I would like to thank the authour for showcasing some remarkable resources to increase the sales, I'll try to make use of them.

Thanks Erik for the awesome share, have a great day ahead.

Written by atishranjan
3194 days ago

Thank you so much for sharing this great article here Erik. Nowadays, CTR is falling because there more spam offers than good ones. Thus, people when see the killer offers, they suspect and don't even click. So your ad gets impression but not the click, that means low CTR.

The tips mentioned in this article are cool. Adaptive pricing and personalized CTAs are ones I liked the most.

Written by joyh1
3194 days ago

Interesting article, thanks for sharing it Erik.

The "adaptive pricing" reminds me of my Dad in his shop 30 years ago. So while technologies change (no technology in our shop!) marketing strategies to maximize profit remain the same.

Interesting what you say about personalization - I had been going down the route of less personalization because I read somewhere that the least amount of information requested from users the more likely they were to op-tin to your list. Glad you warned me!

If increasing personalization is going to increase my CTR, I'm very happy to learn a different strategy for email marketing.

I'm already taking a free trial of TrenDemon.

Written by Amitkr404
3194 days ago

All these marketing strategy to compel the audience to click are supremely interesting but i am quite attracted to read the "Adaptive Pricing" where the top 4 aspects of adaptive pricing is explained. I have made little web search for all these aspects - Above-market pricing | At-market pricing | Below-market pricing | Cost-plus pricing. And the experience about knowing the facts related to it are just great.

Thanks for this beneficial guide sharing !!

Written by JamesMcAllister
3194 days ago

Thanks for sharing Erik!

I've noticed a few of these trends entering into the internet marketing space this past year and am in the process of working a few of them into my own business.

In the past I've been able to get away with less personalization simply because my website visitors primarily consisted of people who already knew me either from another platform or a website. Now however, a larger and larger percentage of my traffic are from people who are meeting me for the first time, so retaining those visitors is getting harder and harder. I look forward to personalizing my CTAs especially as I forsee that providing a great return on my time invested.

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