Jlater54 voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Previous Head of Webspam at Google Matt Cutts has been on leave since last July and it was speculated that the 10-year veteran of the position wasn’t going to return. Read More
Like any online businessperson, I’m always on the lookout for ways to increase the number of visitors to my site. But it can often be difficult to decide where and how to put your efforts.
Twitter? Facebook? Instagram? Guest blogging? Email? YouTube? AdWords? It’s enough to make your head spin!
S Read More
How many times have you bought something from a site because of a flash sale? And then you never buy anything else from them again, or until another flash sale comes up? So while you’re able to get some fast one-off purchases if that’s your business model, it may not be the best way to attract and Read More

Alibaba Backs Businesses Purchasing Inventory from China

Alibaba Backs Businesses Purchasing Inventory from China - http://smallbiztrends.com Avatar Posted by lyceum under Sales
From http://smallbiztrends.com 3291 days ago
Made Hot by: fundpr on June 2, 2015 7:16 am
If you purchase your inventory from suppliers based in China, you should know about a new free service launched by Alibaba.com, a global eCommerce platform for small businesses.
The service is called Alibaba Trade Assurance. And it is designed to provide small businesses with more security when tr Read More
You’ve heard over and over that small business owners need to be good delegators for their companies to grow. Now, there’s some actual proof.
A new Gallup study reports that companies led by executives with high “Delegator” ability enjoyed strikingly higher growth rates and revenues than those wit Read More
Mobile technology is one of the fastest growing industries. And all of the new tools, features, and mobile devices can certainly have an impact on small businesses. This week, Google announced a couple of new features that are sure to do just that.
First the search giant is moving forward with And Read More
More and more people are searching for local businesses on their mobile devices. How will Google change its ranking algorithm in response to this trend? Find out in this Tek Shouts! article. Read More
Matt Ward’s article, “Can I Run a Kickstarter and an Indiegogo crowdfunding Campaign at the Same Time,” attacks one of the common questions (and mistakes) that many aggressive entrepreneurs ask and make. It’s a commonly questioned mystery: why wouldn’t it make sense to run a campaign on both Kickst Read More
The team at SuccessfulStartup101 hopes everyone is having a productive week! For this installment of the best of GaryVee, we’re going to start with Gary’s article “May the Fifth Be With You”. Gary begins by saying that this week we watched as hundreds of brands jumped on the #MayTheFourthBeWityYou Read More
All entrepreneurs have heard at one time or another, about a million reasons why they shouldn’t have gone into business. It’s very risky, the chances of landing in big debt are high, you can kiss your social life goodbye and you’re going to lose tons of sleep worrying about the business you’re runn Read More

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