Internetgeek voted on the following stories on BizSugar

The traditional 20th century marketing funnel has been usurped in the digital age.
Consumers are turning to social media and the collective unconscious of the internet to get their information and make purchasing decisions. In fact 80 percent of customers expect businesses to be active on social m Read More
Can social media produce Return-on-Investment (ROI) in dollars, not just some fuzzy awareness and connections?

Yes it can, but you need to be strategic about it

In this infographic, Neil Patel of Quicksprout explains how to track the ROI of your Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and Instagram campa Read More

Android One introduced in the Google I/O 2014 is an ultra low cost Android Programm to target potential customers. Read what Android One is all about here and why you should buy it!! Read More
Here are 21 basic – often overlooked – improvements that will make your home office work for you.

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Do you know what a round up post is?

A round up post is when you gather a bunch of experts and get their input on one subject. It’s like a mini interview with dozens of participants, focusing usually around one topic.
They’re a fantastic way to get comprehensive on one particular question.

T Read More
It is interesting how we could see paradigm shifts in different traditional areas of business, e.g., distribution of razor blades, and now the time has come to the tea industry. The challenge is to do something about the supply chain, in order to get fresh, high quality tea to the end customer in a Read More
Are you struggling to build an email list of qualified subscribers? Have you not started building an email list yet? Do you have a list BUT your subscribers aren't responding to your messages or buying your products or services? Read More
Today, I conducted a webinar on Google+ for Social Media Week Lima. Unfortunately, things did not go as planned. After a late start, there was no sound. And things remained that way until the end.

A video without any audio not being a real video, I decided to upload my slides to Slideshare and m Read More
Do you really want to make a big impact with your coaching services? Are you committed to monetizing your passion through your coaching services, but you’ve realized that the traditional individual one-to-one coaching model isn’t going to take you where you want to be? Read More
Aren’t you monetizing your passion and know-how online yet? Have you already created an online business success around your authenticity, passion and purpose? If so, congratulations! Kindest kudos to YOU! Keep on doing your great work. How to Monetize Your Passion and Know how Online (Part 3 of 3) Read More

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