PastMasterBlogger voted on the following stories on BizSugar

How you can rise above all the noise and create content that resonates with the people in your target audience. Read More
Do you ever feel as though you are just spinning your wheels with your blog? You invest time, money, blood, sweat and tears, but that doesn’t always translate into a successful blog. The good news is that you can change things at any point. Improving your blog is something you should work on each a Read More
It’s barely the end of June and it’s time to head back to school? This is either madness – or extremely savvy marketing planning. The back-to-school shopping season is the second-highest spending period in the year, behind the winter holidays. In 2014 shoppers spent $74.9 billion on back-to-school. Read More
Has your AdSense account been banned? Or do you want to monetize in other ways other than AdSense? This is a complete lost of the best AdSense alternatives you can try out. They really pay because these are tested platforms. Read More
One needs to churn several thousand words a day to keep their blog afloat.

Why do we need to do this?

To grow an audience on your own blog, you need to capture that audience from places that are already active. Platforms like Linkedin have 364 Million registered users! Don’t you want to get Read More
Minneapolis-based LeadPages, a lead generation platform, has raised $27 million in a recent Series B funding round led by Drive Capital, with Foundry Group and Arthur Ventures also participating.
LeadPages has raised $38 million in total funding since it commenced operations in January 2013. It no Read More

Increase Profit with Inventory Management Software

Increase Profit with Inventory Management Software - Avatar Posted by bizsugarstan under Strategy
From 3267 days ago
Made Hot by: davidparrish on June 25, 2015 3:49 pm
Do you know the real price of low inventory turnover? If not, you should.
Inventory levels predict sales and earnings, which is a critical consideration for companies and their investors. Read More
What does it take to turn your hobby into a successful business?Luke Landes started a website to hold himself financially accountable and it turned into a thriving business.In the following interview you will get an insight into Luke’s entrepreneurial journey. Read More
Did you know that a blog can help you create a brand with very little investment? Learn how to create, publish and promote your own lead-generating blog. Read More
Most app developers don’t know this that there are 4 ways in which they can use geographically restricted access of the app to their advantage. Read More

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