These stories submitted by PASjonathan became hot on BizSugar

There are only two reasons for real businesses being without competition, even for a short time:
1st is that your business or product is so new, so innovative, that nobody else can duplicate it.
2nd is a fatal flaw that others know and you don’t: it’s not a good enough business to attract others Read More

Where Did the 8-Hour Workday Go? - LivePlan Blog

Where Did the 8-Hour Workday Go? - LivePlan Blog  - Avatar Posted by PASjonathan under Human Resources
From 2900 days ago
Made Hot by: thelastword on June 27, 2016 8:47 pm
On the surface, the 8-hour workday is the accepted norm across North America and in many countries around the world, but is this the way people really work? With a global shift into the age of technology, this question is more valid than ever. Here’s why. Read More
The competitive matrix is important in a business plan for several reasons. First, it’s a great input for strategy and looking ahead. Second, it can develop and explain positioning. Third, it is one of the most obvious, strategic visuals that business plan readers expect. Read More
For decades, we’ve viewed Monday as the "Worst Day Ever." However, there are other days that are much worse. I propose something controversial: Tuesday—and even Thursday—take this not so coveted accolade.

But, on which day are we most productive? The answer might surprise you.

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We are moving into a new era of business. The most successful organizations have come to realize that creativity drives innovation and creates the type of working environment that lures and retains employees. Let’s take a look at the benefits of focusing more on creativity in the workplace. Read More
Keep in mind that you don’t have to prove a market if you are developing a business plan for internal use, but you DO have to do that, and a lot more explaining, if your business plan is going to be used to support an investment proposal or application for a business loan. Read More
Even if you have the best strategy and the strongest team, it all means nothing if you don’t have enough money to pay the bills. Simply put, your business can’t run out of cash and your cash flow forecast helps you predict when your bank account might run low. Read More
To be successful, you’ve got to build a profitable business. That means making sure that you’re spending less than you’re making. All of this means creating and managing your expense budget. Read More
A list of 15 books recommended by serial entrepreneur David S. Rose. If you’re planning to start and build a scalable, high-growth business, get ready to fill your bookshelves. Read More

Use Milestones and Metrics to Turn Planning into Business GPS

Use Milestones and Metrics to Turn Planning into Business GPS  - Avatar Posted by PASjonathan under Startups
From 2938 days ago
Made Hot by: sophia2 on May 20, 2016 10:55 pm
When starting or running a business, you don’t just set a course; you watch results, review often, and revise as needed. That’s what turns planning into management, with a cycle I call P-R-R-R, for plan-run-review-revise. Good planning, with milestones and metrics, is something like steering with G Read More

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