Dodge28 submitted the following stories to BizSugar

The term "bounce" refers to a visit which results in no further clicks on that site. In other words, the visitor came, saw and bounced. Depending on the type of page you have created, this can be an ok thing or it can be terrible. Read More
The temptation for entrepreneurs to assume that once a startup or small business is online, the world is waiting to become customers can be quite overwhelming. Read More
A online startup or small business needs a few things in order to start driving traffic and building up a base of customers - namely, "good content" and "reach". Ultimately, this means that you must generate new and engaging content for your business blog right from the start. Read More
You'll often hear people talking about the "marketing funnel". It's a way of depicting the number of visitors coming into a site (the top of the funnel) and where they are lost before finally making a sale (the bottom of the funnel). Read More
There are plenty of things that almost all succesful business bloggers will advise you to do in order to rise to the top of search engine results pages (SERPs). More than likely you are bored to tears with being told to blog regularly, be useful, be engaging and interesting, and so on. This is all Read More
Starting a new blog or website can be a bit of a trial, but it's almost always more of a challenge to get people to come and visit it at first. Inevitably you end up having to go and read up on online marketing and that's where the fun and games begin. Read More
Most small businesses treat their websites like business cards. This is an egregious waste of potential. Instead of viewing a website as something you "have" to have, start using it to drive growth. Read More

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