Business travel can be an important aspect of growing your business. But it can also become a strain if the costs associated with it are more than your budget can bear. Read More
You always have to find new ways to draw your targeted audience in and one way we do that through marketing is to create statements that are catchy. Something that is going to make people say “I want to check this out and learn more.” Now notice that I said catchy, not cheesy or cute, it has to be Read More
Friends tell you what you want to hear. Mentors tell you what you need to hear. When the message is the same from both, you don’t need the mentor anymore. In that sense, you should think of a mentor more like your advisor who has done all he can. You always need the friend. Read More
There’s a lot of buzz going on about mobile apps these days. While the conventional wisdom might be that the mobile app is the wave of the future, soon to make websites obsolete, opposing views are starting to arise.
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Latest Increase Web Traffic Amazon productsWeb Search MagnetFrom the author of Web Traffic Magnet, this video is also designed for those who are new to "Search Engine Optimization", or "SEO" for short. It explains exactly what the most important factors are in driving traffic to your website and ho Read More
Advertise your product or service in front of millions of shoppers - is now offering pay-per-click advertising on their website with a program called Amazon Product Ads.

Their pay-per-click program is similar to that of Google Adwords or on Facebook. The big difference is that you are Read More
SiteCloud has closed down due to cloud technical issues. Warnings on the risk of cloud computing is no joke - SiteCloud is one of the victims. Read More
Google is a great way to find sales leads. Here is a presentation that shows you how to find and attract qualified sales leads through Google. Read More
When we visited recently, we were reminded of how important it is to craft ads that are relevant to the websites where they appear. Here are the ads we saw on’s home page: Read More
If you sell to businesses, you already know that your client companies are never static. They’re always introducing new products, courting new customers, or expanding in ways that can create new selling opportunities for you. Consider these examples: Read More

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