Starting a new blog or website can be a bit of a trial, but it's almost always more of a challenge to get people to come and visit it at first. Inevitably you end up having to go and read up on online marketing and that's where the fun and games begin. Read More
I’m sure many if not all of you have hear of Jack Sparrow from Pirates of the Caribbean? Jack, also know as the Captain of the Black Pearl has appeared in several movies over the past couple years and has an upcoming movie coming out in the near future. Read More
One of the greatest decisions I’ve made regarding my blog is to start a Facebook Group to get more exposure and traffic to my blog. From my experience I found that Facebook group is better than Pages to get traffic even if your site is brand new one. Read More
The theory of the 4 Hour Work Week is one that those wishing to be successful entrepreneurs need to heed. On the surface, the notion of working only four hours a week seems nefariously close to a “get rich quick scheme.” Read More
One particular aspect of today's Royal Wedding has had a huge impact upon one specific small business industry as far away as the U.S.

Hint: Can you say "fruitcake?"

If you have a bakery business, this may have affected you. How can national and even international trends be used in marketing Read More
Yahoo has announced that it's selling the social-bookmarking service Delicious to YouTube's cofounders, Chad Hurley and Steve Chen, who plan to make it part of a new startup called AVOS. Delicious was one of the first startups to tap into social media and user-generated content, but it has languish Read More
If you don’t care deeply that your customers are made better by what you sell them, then you aren’t going to be a great salesperson—even if you make money. Read More
My issue is, as a sales or marketing executive, do these calls make sense? Do we want to be spending our money, wasting our people's time,wasting our resources, or wasting our customers' time on programs that are so poorly structured? Can these really produce a return? Read More
Follow Friday Top 10 Happy to share another great Top 10 Twitter favs of mine. I just realized that this was #10 crazy how fast time has gone by.. really Read More
I’m a happy Verizon Wireless user (I could/would be even happier if I just understood somethings), and I have to ask the question; why does Verizon cap wireless data use on the LTE network? Read More

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