So let me propose the following to you – blogs are very different. Twitter styles are very different. The audience you are trying to engage could very different than the audience of another blogger or Tweeter you admire. And therein lays the problem with things like Klout scores and best practices. Are those things truly benchmarks of what matter to YOUR audience?


Written by DWesterberg
4803 days ago

Susan - thanks for the comment. While it's great to learn from others and explore metrics, we can't lose sight of what we're actually trying to accomplish. And you're right "it depends" is always a qualifier.

Written by m4bmarketing
4804 days ago

Hi Dawn,

You bring up very good points. I did check once my klout score and it said I was influenced by people that I do not follow or converse with. Best practices especially for online marketing etc are so general when it is often a case of it depends - on the specific market, business and customers etc.


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