"There is little success where there is little laughter." - Andrew Carnegie. Humor can be a strong component of a company's social media success.

Humor can be internet gold launching a person or product to instant celebrity by going viral, but it can also go too far and result in a public relations nightmare.

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Written by HeatherStone
4369 days ago


I've always liked mixing a little humor in everything I do. That said, you'll find a lot of people recommend against it. In the end, I think the reluctance comes from how subjective humor is and the reality that you might say something your audience won't find funny...or might even find offensive. Bottom line? Know your audience...or customers or whatever. It's just really important to know who you're talking to and how they're likely to react to what you say.

Written by Sian Phillips
4370 days ago

Clever post Jenny. One thing I would say is that using tongue in cheek humour with someone you don't know can come across as rudeness sometimes - it has happened to me a couple of times. With social media people often think they know you if they have tweeted once or twice. I have received tweets that if a close friend had said I would have taken as a joke but because it was said by someone I didn't know or even follow they came across as rude. Thanks again for sharing on Bizsugar.com

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