Business people are worried they will ruin their reputation or inflict brand damage simply by being out and about on the ‘net. While harassment does happen from time to time, it’s not really a problem if you have a plan on how to handle the social media rabblerousers.


Written by businessavante
4948 days ago

Great advice for dealing with online "Crazies"! I hadn't considered that they are likely intoxicated, but it makes a lot of sense given the irrational ranting they normally spew. I Tweeted & Shared this on FaceBook.


Written by globalcopywrite
4947 days ago

Thank you so much for your tweet and Facebook share! I think the hard thing about online hecklers is they often behave in a way they wouldn't in a public setting. When you add alcohol or other behavior-changing substances emotions escalate pretty quickly. The problem for business is you have to address the issue in a public forum. That's making a lot of people reluctant to get involved in social media at all.

Thanks again!



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