The Pipeline

The Pipeline   - Avatar Posted by SellBetter under Sales
From 4824 days ago
In this week's guest post by Dan Waldschmidt, Dan looks at why and how we've become a generation of retarded under-performing sales semi-professionals. But don't let the title full you, Dan delivers some fresh insights worth taking on.


Written by saraib820
4728 days ago

Just found it. I searched the "R" word. I would express my dismay but I've left comments before, all unanswered. Bad, bad choice of words! Shame!

Written by businessavante
4824 days ago

Normally, I'm not defending "Political Correctness", Dan, but in the case of the defenseless, I'll make an exception. The actual meat of the article isn't offensive, but the title & use of the R word will offend the parents & relatives of Down-Syndrome children. Why use it in the 21st Century?


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