In today's climate, positioning and pricing are becoming more and more difficult to define. As a general rule of thumb, high prices are set for higher positioned products or services and low prices are set...


Written by allison.davis
4915 days ago

Prices are really one of the basis of good quality products...It is because high end materials are expensive, which makes the product expensive. But there are also expensive products that does not display its value. The challenge here is to provide high quality products to the consumers with the best value that corresponds to its price. Because consumers now are very wise in choosing.

Written by nialldevitt
4915 days ago

I remember working with one company who had set their pricing very low at the start to capture market. This worked well for a while but they then lacked the money to properly support the business and after a while lost many of their customer. At a later stage they fixed their pricing but remain tainted by a perceived bad reputation to this day. Emma's post from earlier in the year is also worth a read

Written by businessavante
4915 days ago

Interesting Article Christina! I know if you price something low, people will assume it's junk - even if it's great (at least till they try it).

I would add labor cost to the list - labor in China is going to be much less than in the US, while their quality has improved leaps & bounds in the last 15 years - from "abysmal" to "pretty good".


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