Since being discovered on a highway exit ramp last month in Columbus, Ohio, Ted Williams has become a media darling. His story, captured by a Columbus Dispatch videographer, has received over 11.7 million views on YouTube.


Written by businessavante
4859 days ago

From FaceBook, I know that in the Cleveland area there are a lot of out-of-work announcers who are wondering what they did wrong by towing the line all these years looking for work. The feeling I get is that they're mad because none of them were offered game show riches - or even work. I'm not taking sides on this specific issue, just reporting what I've read on FaceBook. I wish ALL of them luck.


Written by promodiva
4859 days ago

Yes, this former Cleveland gal feels for those folks as well. I have very mixed feelings about this story -- but will take a "wait and see approach," and hope for the best. Thanks for your comments, Duncan!

Written by yoni67
4859 days ago


Great post on a great guy who is proving to be an inspiration and incredible comeback story. You are right...a lot of people are wondering if this guy can stand up to all of the pressure. But in the meantime, many companies will try to use his talents...perhaps exploit them for their own purposes. Great though-provoking article!


Written by promodiva
4859 days ago

Thanks, Yoni. I really appreciate the feedback! Happy new Year to you!

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