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10 top home business ideas

10 top home business ideas - Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under Resources
From 5421 days ago
Made Hot by: UpToUs on July 31, 2009 12:00 pm
These top 10 home business ideas come courtesy of Yahoo! Personal Finance. Those interested in working from home might include parents who want to spend more time with children, retirees in need of extra income or disabled people, the article suggests, but no matter what the motivation, these opportunities raise some possibilities for those with t Read More
Is the franchise you are thinking of buying perfect for you? Will it meet your criteria? Have you defined your criteria? Your criteria should include things like investment comfort level, hours and days of the week required, growth opportunity, and an exit strategy that will let you enjoy the fruits of your labor- the monetary equity you have buil Read More
This article from the Get Rich Slowly blog looks at some interesting tips for starting a small business. Some, including the suggestion that the fledgling entrepreneur keep his/her day job and grow the business slowly, you may have heard before. Others, however, like recommendation that you create boundaries and the admonishment against going into Read More
NING is a wonderful, easy-to-use, resource for creating your world for your audience to share, connect, participate, collaborate. Oh. Did I mention it's free? The post shares 5 reasons you should use it. Read More
Intuit announced on Monday that it has launched a community site for open-source developers to write open-source SaaS (software as a service) applications that enhance Intuit's own SaaS platform. Glyn Moody derides the move as "a rather feeble attempt to plug into the power of openness without really engaging with it," but this misses the point. Read More
Cloud computing is still a long way from becoming a mainstream technology because of persistent fears about security and reliability that are stoked by entrenched vendors at every opportunity. Read More
If you prefer to let someone else do all of the work installing, configuring, updating and maintaining your more complex systems, then you may be a fan of cloud-based software as a service offerings. Read More
Having the right software can help small and midsize businesses (SMBs) attain a competitive edge, but a challenge cash-strapped companies grapple with is deciding whether to buy or rent these applications. Read More
Is a buy American clause inserted into the latest government stimulus package really hurting some US small business selling products outside the country? Yes, according to some small business owners including this head of a pipe fitting company selling heavily in Canadian markets who explains that many countries are beginning to retaliate against Read More
As passage of a health care reform bill seems more likely in the House and Senate, there is one small business interest group that is bucking the trend of criticism saying health care reform will lower costs for small business. When clicking on the link below please allow time for the full PDF form to download and scroll down to the beginning of t Read More

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