HollyHanna voted on the following stories on BizSugar

So you have an idea for a product or service, awesome. You have told all of your closest friends your thoughts and they are encouraging – or discouraging, depending on the person, great. Now…take a step back. Read More
Many people are shocked when they discover how long I have been in business, related to the size of my business and the things I have achieved over the years. Typically, people who are extremely surprised by the results ask me, “How have you achieved so much in such a short period of time?” Read More
As some of you may know this past spring I went through the process of having a miscarriage. I say process because it didn’t just happen… Read More
Working from home has many positive attributes, but it also comes with its own set of unique challenges - especially during the summer time when school is out. Constant distractions, keeping the kids entertained and managing work-life balance are just a few of the concerns that work at home women h Read More
Raise your hand if you procrastinate when it comes to some aspects of your business. In business, like in life, there are going to be parts you love, and parts you’d rather sweep under the rug for awhile. More often than not, the legal aspects of running a business are pushed aside as you focus on Read More
Negative thoughts eat at you, chipping away every day. These present as feeling afraid, inadequate, lonely, and as if we've done something wrong. But, whether you know it or not, your thoughts are not correct. Read More
As a mompreneur I know how tough it can be to juggle a new business, family and your personal life – honestly there never seems to be enough hours in the day. But just because you’re strapped for time and/or money, it is not okay to cut corners and compromise your integrity. Read More
If you’re already beginning to nervously look away from this post, I recommend you look back. Beginning a business is not meant to be a breezy, two-step process that can be handled and taken care of within 30 minutes or less. In order to properly begin a business, you need to start off with questio Read More
Strategies for growth would be to increase the number of guest posts that I submit. Even though I don’t have a lot of extra time in my schedule, I do have enough time to contribute one new piece, to one new blog each month. One reason I came to this decision is because I saw it working for other bl Read More
In my last article I explained why it was so essential for entrepreneurs to brand themselves. Not only to create relationships with customers but also to provide strategic focus to you, the business owner. If you have been in business for a few years, you have a brand. Even if you feel you haven’t Read More

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