I met Tom the other day and he mentioned that he didn’t get Twitter. Tom is not unusual. So many people I come across in person do not understand how to use Twitter for their blog or business.

They either signed up and never spent time on the network or they just never ventured away from Facebook.

Tom was interested to keep up with news on Twitter but didn’t know how he could expand his small online business using Twitter.

I began to tell Tom what he could do to gain followers and potential clients through this old but powerful social network.


Written by lyceum
1608 days ago

Lisa: Is it Ivana Taylor that is arranging it?

All the Best,


Written by lyceum
1608 days ago

Lisa: I didn't know about Listicles. Do you have any favorite Twitter chats at the moment?

All the Best,


Written by Inspiretothrive
1608 days ago

Hi Martin, Yes they work great. My favorite at the moment is: #BizapaloozaChat Mon 2pm ET. and Thu 8pm ET.

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