Our workplaces need gender diversity because men and women are, by nature wired differently. This has a direct bearing on leadership abilities.


Written by businessavante
4628 days ago

Hi Priyaflorence.

Good article, but sometimes generalities that divide groups of individuals into stereotypes as to behavior bother me on the grounds that indeed, we are All individuals. (Maybe it's because my teen years were spent in the late '60's.)

I, for one, do not fit into many of the low-brow stereotypes about men - I have a hard time watching baseball on TV (not just because I live in the Cleeb'm franchise area) - because the commercials are directed at what are apparently accepted* male stereotypes. Most beer commercials are so inane they actually make me angry, I don't fit in with the "no-gray-beard" bit (my beard is gray, and I'm fine with it), nor am I into pick-up trucks.

*Male stereotypes, and the many stereotypes about other groups, or other cultures, were never accepted by me. Stereotypes are ultimately divisive, and though they may at first seem to be a convenient way of putting large groups of people into neatly labeled little boxes, they solve nothing in the end.


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