Scott Fox posts regularly here at BizSugar, but I thought I'd take a moment to highlight this particularly great video he's created for his online business community, great because it states something that should be obvious to everyone in small business, but perhaps isn't. You WILL need to market your product or service and market it well to stand out from the crowd and be successful in your small business. Marketing is not a dirty word. It MUST be part of your business plan. DON'T make the mistake of thinking a great product or service will market itself. Make sure you have a plan for how to get the word out.


Written by CIKMarketing
4994 days ago

I agree and disagree. Marketing is entirely necessary and if you avoid promoting your business, you will likely fade into business oblivion. Methods that people use such as, tele-marketing for example, are over the edge, annoying, and actually negatively "market" your business. It's true though, you can have the best product in the world, but if you don't market it, how will anyone know?

Written by mikeholmes
4994 days ago

Well like he said..."marketing that works." Telemarketing stop working years ago but there are some marketing methods like list building that have not yet gone out of style

Written by ShawnHessinger
4996 days ago

I don't know if it ever really was, Duncan. I recall reading a passage in Benjamin Franklin's autobiography about the way in which he promoted himself and his business as a young printer in the colonies. A good format for any modern business person, as I recall.

Written by businessavante
4996 days ago

The part when Scott said "Merit alone is not enough anymore" really made me think: was it EVER enough just to have a great product if no one bought it - if the marketing was abysmal, etc?


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