In this video, part of a series called "Who Pops Your Popcorn", business consultant Rod Alan Richardson of gives a wonderful overview of marketing for small business. In the interview, Rod insists that marketing is particularly important in small business where, he says, there is no room to delegate the responsibility to someone else. In such a scenario, Rod argues that a small business owner's ability to market is perhaps the most important factor determining the venture's success. There are also lots of other inspiring observations in the interview including Rod's ideas about leveraging marketing channels for your business and determining who you are marketing too.


Written by CindyKing
5387 days ago

This video is 12 minutes long and well worth listening to. These are 2 people who know what small businesses need to market their business.

What stood out to me is that money is not an excuse. I get requests from small businesses all over the world who have difficulty with this one. They say that their business is different and they can only market their business with high cost tactics. And agree with Rod on this - I believe that their main problem is their mental approach and not their lack of marketing budget.

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