Audiense Review: The Best Twitter Marketing Tool?

Audiense Review: The Best Twitter Marketing Tool? - Avatar Posted by adamjayc under Marketing
From 997 days ago
Made Hot by: logistico on September 12, 2021 11:17 am
Thinking of signing up for Audiense? Read this review first. We're sharing everything you need to know about this Twitter tool in this Audiense review.


Written by lyceum
990 days ago

Adam: Thanks so much! I appreciate your support!

Talk soon again!

All the Best,


Written by lyceum
991 days ago

Adam: Thanks again! I will send you an email about these potential opportunities.

All the Best,


Written by adamjayc
991 days ago

Sure thing. Drop me an email about this anytime. I might be able to think of a few other brands that would be good to reach out to.

- Adam

Written by lyceum
991 days ago

Adam: Thanks for the information! I will check it out. It could be that I come back to you, with additional questions.

All the Best,


Written by lyceum
992 days ago

Adam: Great! I will check it out. As a nano influencer, I am interested in working with some brands and services in the future. I still have not heard from PromoRepublic... ;)

All the Best,


Written by adamjayc
992 days ago

Also, Martin, if you're on the look out for brands to work with - Pallyy may be a good fit. You may have seen them in one of my posts already.

They're a small startup with a great tool. Very affordable and they should be rolling out a free plan soon. May be worth dropping an email to [email protected] and opening up a discussion with their founder, Tim.

Written by adamjayc
992 days ago

Shame they didn't get back to you. I'd recommend joining their partner program (link is at the bottom of their website) and dropping an email to the affiliate manager. Their affiliate manager is the best person to talk to.

If you are interested in working with Audiense, their partnership manager would be good to talk to. He's quite responsive but I communicate with him directly in Partnerstack, the platform they use to manage their affiliate program. If you want to do the same, it's free to sign up at Partnerstack and quick to apply - after that you get access to a "messages" tab so you can communicate directly and discuss and partnership ideas.



Written by lyceum
993 days ago

Adam: Thanks for the information. So, I am stuck then... I have to manually removed followers, in order to be able to follow new followers.

All the Best,


Written by adamjayc
993 days ago

There used to be tools that would do this but Twitter seems to have an issue with unfollowing in bulk so they closed off the ability for developer's to offer the option in third-party apps.

I'm going through the same thing now - manual unfollows seems like the only option. There are apps that make this easier. Unfollow Today is a free app that does this but I haven't tried it.

I'm using Audiense for this actually because I can filter by specific parameters. So, for example, I can unfollow users who don't follow me and haven't tweeted in X amount of time. Then, it's just a one click to unfollow, rather than multiple clicks for a single follow via Twitter directly. Not sure if this is possible with the free version of Audiense though so you'd need to register for a free account to test it.

- Adam

Written by lyceum
994 days ago

Adam: Could Audiense help me with the Twitter follow limit? I have to do some cleanup, so I can follow new tweeps in the future. Have you tested Tweetsmap?

All the Best,


Written by adamjayc
994 days ago

Audiense does allow you to find users to unfollow, and unfollow them from within the app (not sure if this is available within the free account though). But whenever you hit the limit applied by Twitter, the tool will stop allowing you to unfollow/follow. I'd imagine it would be the same for any other tool.

Not recently. I think I've tried Tweetmap but it was quite a while ago.

- Adam

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