Exactly, desperation. And that’s precisely why there are one million refugees there. They have escaped war torn Afghanistan and Iraq for the relative safety of Iran. But due to criminal gangs exploiting economic migrants, the West, Europe in particular, is increasingly leaving genuine refugees to rot in camps.


Written by saraib820
4681 days ago


"legitimate refugees are not a threat." True, but the title of refugee has long been a guise for terrorists to cross borders with devious purpose.


Two Iraqi refugees living in Bowling Green, Ky., have been arrested and charged with violating federal terrorism laws — allegedly plotting to send missiles and other weapons to insurgents to kill American soldiers abroad.

Waad Ramadan Alwan, 30, and Mohanad Shareef Hammadi, 23, are accused of conspiring to send Stinger missiles, cash, sniper rifles and rocket-propelled grenade launchers from the United States to al Qaeda and other jihadists in Iraq.

Great Britain:

More than a few of the plotters of the London bus and subway bombings were refugees granted political asylum and some of the most visible preachers of Jihad in Britain were also let in as refugees and asylum seekers.

As long as just a few make it through, the world will continue to view refugees as threats.


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