Techmedia voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Turn Your Receptionist Into a Sales Machine

Turn Your Receptionist Into a Sales Machine  - Avatar Posted by BuyerZone under Sales
From 3664 days ago
Made Hot by: sundaydriver on May 27, 2014 8:43 am
Your receptionist makes the first person-to-person impression on a prospect who reaches out to your company. You know what they say about first impressions, right? Slacking in this area simply isn’t acceptable.

The good news is if your receptionist takes care of these 5 simple tasks, your new le Read More
Excuses are dream killer. And one of the top excuses people have is: I don't have time. Stop making excuses, start making time to start a business. Read More
Like choosing a suit, you have options when building a website. Do you go custom-tailored or off-the-rack? This is your guide to making that decision. Read More
Almost every article I read about online fundraising and online giving starts out something like this:

Despite the hype and the assurances of social media experts, online fundraising still accounts for an abysmal 2% of total dollars raised by charities.

I frequently see quotes like this one, Read More
As if we didn’t already have enough social network sites that highlight our popularity to us, LinkedIn just joined the club. Facebook constantly reminds us of how popular our friends are, Twitter tells you how many followers others have and Instagram uses photos to show you what you are missing out Read More
In this article, you’ll learn a series of mindset boosters you can apply today to boost your results tomorrow. Ensure your mind works with you (as opposed to against you!), and make the most of everything, day after day. (By Frederique Murphy) Read More

Retail's Rosy Outlook: Anytime, Anywhere Shopping

Retail's Rosy Outlook: Anytime, Anywhere Shopping  - Avatar Posted by nialldevitt under Sales
From 3664 days ago
Made Hot by: techmedia on May 23, 2014 12:36 am
Making a sale is easy when you control the environment. When customers come to your store, all you have to do is wait for them to approach you with their items and then ring them out. But, what happens when you leave the store, and you’re directly competing with many other merchants in close proxim Read More

5 Ways To Beat The Competition With Smarter Spending

5 Ways To Beat The Competition With Smarter Spending  - Avatar Posted by nialldevitt under Strategy
From 3664 days ago
Made Hot by: Webdev1 on May 22, 2014 11:13 pm
If you’re a business owner, you’re swamped by competing priorities, not the least of which is dealing with constant competition, in a limited marketplace, with a limited budget. If the bad news is that you have to spend money to make money, the good news is that by being smarter with how you spend, Read More
Why is visual communication so powerful? It isn’t just because of the pretty pictures; it’s straight-up science. The brain absorbs and synthesizes visual information faster than any other stimuli, making visual content an incredibly effective medium. Check out this infographic, to learn more about Read More
Diving into Reddit can be a bit intimidating. So to give you a clear picture of this social network, our pals at designed an infographic that visualized how Reddit works and proposes some tips on how to use Reddit to its fullest potential. Read More

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