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What can you learn about online video marketing from classic old TV shows? Quite a bit, we think. From "Star Trek" to "Gilligan's Island" to "Bewitched" and "The Andy Griffith Show", here's a fun look at how lessons learned from those great old TV classics can be applied to online video marketing for your product, service or other business. Tune in to find out more.. Read More

How To Keep Your Customers Coming Back

How To Keep Your Customers Coming Back - http://boss.blogs.nytimes.com Avatar Posted by ShawnHessinger under Marketing
From http://boss.blogs.nytimes.com 5138 days ago
Made Hot by: Portfolio33 on May 10, 2010 2:55 am
What can you learn from successful brands like Cracker Barrel about keeping customers coming back and always engaged with your product or service? As it turns out, some fairly simple steps keep customers engaged and not only coming back for more but staying longer once they do find you and visit. If loyal customers should be the goal of every small business than reading this post is key to finding success Read More

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