Siba4u submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Do, Dump, Delay, and Delegate … Do you spend a lot of time looking for things? Research tells us that the average person spends about 10% of the day looking for documents. If that were so, you could gain 5 weeks a year just by getting your retrieval methods under control! Read More
Up-Selling means selling the customer more of your services than originally requested, or a better, more expensive service in the same area. For example, the customer may come in looking for a hoe and you suggest a rotor tiller would be much easier on his/her back and faster too. Read More
It’s an interesting thing about time management that those who already manage time well go to training sessions on time management and then come back to the workplace prepared to schedule themselves even more efficiently, while those who are not very good at managing time often come back from such Read More

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