Inspiretothrive submitted the following stories to BizSugar

9 Real Estate Agents Who Really Get Twitter Right
real estate agentsThere are many real estate agents on Twitter today. But I have found most of them just tweet out their own listings. They treat Twitter like a billboard for their listings and their branding campaigns. And yes, some realtors still Read More
Will you get the new updated mute on Twitter? Will your keywords or phrases be eliminated by your followers?

Twitter rolled out the mute button feature over 2 years ago. That meant your Twitter followers could turn your tweets off to mutmute on Twittere. I’m not sure if many peeps have used thi Read More
Getting verified on Twitter was never easy. It’s been a few months since Twitter allowed all of it’s users to become verified on Twitter. Prior to this time users were verified typically included: Accounts maintained by users in government, politics, religion, journalism, media, sports, business, a Read More
Did you know blogging online began back in 1994? The first recognized blog was It was really a person’s personal notes on life. A very simple great blog. Since then over millions of people blog. Another hundred million+ people use social networking sites to blog like Twitter. Twitter is Read More
Has your Twitterness gone stale? Is your Twitter account not doing much for you or your business lately? You may have noticed your followers haven’t really increased much and your Twitter stats are nothing to write home about. I see it with many tweeps including myself a few weeks ago. It’s time fo Read More
Do you want to get noticed more on Twitter? I recently started using the Twitter GIFS image option after I noticed Ryan Biddulph onTwitter using them to thank me for sharing his tweets.

The images were awesome and really got my attention. Then Sam Hurley got my attention with his GIFS to me and Read More

5 Ways Facebook Pages Will Make You Look Professional

5 Ways Facebook Pages Will Make You Look Professional - Avatar Posted by Inspiretothrive under Social Media
From 2866 days ago
Made Hot by: deanuk on August 1, 2016 12:57 pm
Facebook Pages are a must for any business today. Have you ever researched a company on Facebook itself to find out they don’t have a Facebook page? HowFacebook Pages did that make you feel about that company? Did you wonder “why haven’t they invested a little time or money to have a page on Facebo Read More
Social Media Mistakes
Let me start by asking you a simple question and what I will also want from you is a simple answer.

How long have been marketing your business on the social media? And what has been your result so far? Can the outcome be equated with the time you’ve spent doing it? Please Read More
Every day I run into realtors who do not understand the value of Twitter or understand Twitter period. Most realtors act as a small business and some actually are their own small business. Small businesses can benefit greatly using Twitter. Realtors are just like any small business. They work 24/7, Read More
Have you tried to increase your social shares lately? There are so many ways out there tViral Content Buzzo accomplish this. I’ve had people ask me this all the time. Of course many of the ways cost money and others cost a lot of time. Who has a lot of money or time today? Viral Content Buzz does m Read More

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