Growing up, I was never able to make a paper airplane that actually worked.  No matter what I did, how I folded it, what kind of paper I used – it didn’t matter. I could never manage to create...


Written by ShawnHessinger
4848 days ago

Learning something is never as difficult as we believe. Sometimes it's not so much a matter of following the directions as of finding the right directions, the ones that make sense to you. Not every ask is as simple as creating a paper airplane. Sometimes you will hear an explanation of how to do something you have never been able to do before and something about it will just suddenly click. Sometimes it is not the directions at all but you. Sometimes it is difficult or impossible to learn something until you are ready.

Written by Weblogbetter
4835 days ago

Hi Shawn,

I'm sorry for this delayed reply, but I'm still trying to get the hang of this site.

Anyway, I like what you said about some times you can't learn until you're ready. As a former instructor, I totally understand that - sometimes you don't have enough background information to attach the new information to, so it just doesn't stick.

Thanks for your insightful comment!

Written by sherisaid
4853 days ago

What a great analogy! ...and the obvious answer to why I have never been able to make biscuits. Everybody in my southern family makes beautiful, light, fluffy, buttery, perfectly shaped biscuits. I make crumbly rocklike objects that look (and probably taste) like anthills. Perhaps...somewhere...there are instructions. I'll bet Paula Deen has something to say on the subject. (but I suspect the answer includes lard)

Written by Weblogbetter
4835 days ago

Hi Sheri,

I'm sorry it took me so long to find this comment - I'm still trying to figure this site out - but anyway - I'm sure your biscuits aren't that bad :) And if Paula's answer doesn't include lard, it most certainly will be BUTTA! :) Thanks for sharing your thoughts!

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