Every day more and more experts call for marketers to relinquish control of their brands and engage customers in dialogue. Companies are entering the blogosphere, building Facebook pages and Twittering with record speed. And while these organizations are bravely entering the new world, most fail to adopt this practice at home in their internal communications.

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Written by SkipAnderson
5395 days ago

Excellent thoughts. I don't know that "employee driven" is the right term, as I believe companies need to be "customer driven," but there is certainly room for improvement in engagement of the employee. An engaged employee is more productive, happier, and uses his/her unique skills to further the mission of the business. That's a win-win if there ever was one.

Written by ShawnHessinger
5397 days ago

Employee driven innovation is easy to promise but hard to deliver. Many companies talk a good game about employee input but in the end use employee suggestions the same way they do customer feedback, to reinforce upper management's deeply held beliefs and desires. Employee suggestions are either taken selectively based on which ones agree with what upper management or owners already want to do or are twisted in their meaning to suit deeply rooted company beliefs or culture. In the end, companies that refuse to embrace a collaborative approach all fall into the same trap, believing their ideas are best and failing to benefit from the full resources their employees have to offer.

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