The financial turmoil that’s swollen the ranks of the unemployed in Europe may be to blame for a growing number of suicides.

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Written by saraib820
4686 days ago


I love the theme from M*A*S*H but so much for the reasoning that suicide is painless.

As for unattached people, it probably is a major factor. Lack of a support system must be terribly painful.

I had a friend who hung himself in college. The life of the party. Friends and girlfriends everywhere. Great grades. Nice sports car. A family with oodles of money. In his final note, he stated that he felt all alone.

I guess it also brings up questions like Curt Cobain. He had fame and fortune, yet something in his life made him so unhappy and gave him the feeling that he had to end his life.

I guess in this economy and the current job market, too many people see themselves under a black cloud. No way to pay bills, collection agenices calling 24/7, foreclosures, no prospects for jobs on the horizon. And they see no way out except to...

It's very sad.

Written by businessavante
4686 days ago

Interesting & very sad news, Rivkah.

In the US bad home loans & Wall Street greed caused it. Here many lost their home as well as their job. Home values often plummeted so low it wasn't worth paying off. I don't know if this was a factor elsewhere in the world.

I've always felt suicide was an option open only to unattached people - certainly they must have no children who need them, and no spouse to miss them. As a single man, I know the devastation losing a job causes psychologically (having experienced it too many times).

There was a blog some months ago that said it's actually worse psychologically to get a bad job than to remain jobless (a while longer). There was a lot of research to back it up, and it did make sense.


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