Intechnic voted on the following stories on BizSugar

Buying gifts can be tough, but with these helpful products and services, you can be sure that your loved one knows how much you care this Valentine’s Day. Read More
Another story regarding the recent report of insecurities found in Oracle’s Java application. This time, Twitter was compromised with a sophisticated hack that may have compromised as many as 250,000 accounts. Read More

Tips for a Successful Email Marketing Campaign

Tips for a Successful Email Marketing Campaign  - Avatar Posted by intechnic under Online Marketing
From 4139 days ago
Made Hot by: Sian Phillips on February 8, 2013 12:02 am
There are a number of basic pointers you can keep in mind as you prepare to enter the realm of email marketing. Here are 10 steps to get you started and well on your way to creating an effective, successful email marketing campaign: Read More
In 2013, resolve to stay ahead of the curve by putting the best SEO tools to work for your website. From discovering new keywords to tracking content engagement, these four free online tools will help jump-start your website’s SEO. Read More
This holiday season, many retailers are implementing competitive price-matching policies as part of a combative effort to discourage “showrooming,” as customers increasingly use their smartphones to compare prices of products they examine in-store, and then purchase the products online for a lower Read More

How You Can Use Infographics to Market Your Business

How You Can Use Infographics to Market Your Business  - Avatar Posted by intechnic under Online Marketing
From 4218 days ago
Made Hot by: InvernessGlenn on November 16, 2012 6:45 am
Infographics are relatively inexpensive to produce, can convey a lot of information on a single image that just takes a few seconds to look at, and – best of all – can be designed to spread like crazy via blogs and social media sites with automatic embedding and easy-to-add share buttons. How can i Read More
LinkedIn is kind of like that social network standing in the corner at the middle school dance. Everyone knows LinkedIn is there, but no one interacts with him like they do with Facebook and Pinterest. It’s kind of sad really, because LinkedIn has a lot to offer, and could do a better job of genera Read More
This article will teach you to understand the Google search engine algorithm and how to predict its changes going forward. We’re going to do this by examining the path the search engine company has taken to improve its algorithm, and we’re going to make assumptions about where the algorithm could c Read More
Many authors will tell you that the most difficult thing about writing a book is coming up with the title. In just a few words, you have to come up with something that both sums up what your story is about and catches the eye of a potential reader so that they’ll pay enough attention to pick up the Read More
Remember Google+?

Launched less than two years ago, it was supposed to be Google’s answer to Facebook; a way to unseat the social media giant (and supplant it with an even bigger behemoth, naturally). According to reports from Google and others, the number of users has grown exponentially, rece Read More

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