Ementormarketing voted on the following stories on BizSugar

If you have been using PPC advertising for any length of time you are probably aware that that Google introduced ad extensions to enhance the results that business owners can achieve with pay per click advertising campaigns. Read More
ASAP Utilities for Excel is designed for experienced Excel users. You must have knowledge of the tasks you perform the most and then ASAP Utilities will automate these tasks to help reduce the amount of time you spend on analysis and data entry. That said here are a few highlights which describe Read More
Small Business Owners Desert Island Gadget List. When you run a small business sometimes you may feel like running away to a desert island or... perhaps your preference is to operate your business permanently from a desert island. The good news is that either option is possible thanks to new techno Read More
There is a lot to learn if you want to create a successful blog however, if you begin by keeping two aspects in mind you will be light years ahead of the pack. The two key aspects are trust and authority. Learn Why Read More
Sidecar drivers wear many hats: CEO, CFO, manager, assistant, chief cook and bottle washer...There’s a lot of power in wearing all these hats - and a lot of responsibility. When the business is yours and yours alone to operate, you will occasionally feel ill-prepared to wear a certain hat. You may Read More

Entrepreneur Checklist: 5 Ideas for July

Entrepreneur Checklist: 5 Ideas for July - http://personaldividends.com Avatar Posted by MMarquit under Marketing
From http://personaldividends.com 4720 days ago
Made Hot by: tuckerleroy on July 1, 2011 3:22 pm
Now that you have your finances in order, and your budget tweaked, now is a great time to focus on brand building and marketing. Here are 5 great ideas for boosting your visibility in the month of July. Read More
There are already so many things that we can use social media for and here is one more for you. Social media has become a great way to show your potential customers how much your current customers couldn’t live without your product. The best part about this whole strategy is how little work is requ Read More
B2B information products offer many benefits in addition to enjoying the passive income that results from selling knowledge. Some of the advantages of offering a B2B information product include the ability to provide a need to a market that is less saturated than the B2C market depending upon your Read More
When everyone seems to be talking about cost, particularly your customers and prospects, it can be all too tempting to over compete on price. You drop your prices and sales increase for a while. Then what? Read More
SERP stands for Search Engine Results Page which is where your potential visitors land after they type a specific search query into the search engine. Many small business owners refer to their ranking on the search engine results page as “getting SERP’d” which is an expression used to refer to spe Read More

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