Andynew submitted the following stories to BizSugar

“Boostrapping” or sometimes called “Shoestring start up” is a business financing strategy that is most often being misinterpreted. Everybody knew and has heard about it but not all fully understand how it works. Let's try to view bootstrapping at a larger perspective. Is it an option that could lead us to the doorway of business success or is it j Read More
When starting a small business, we always get another opinion from another person. We always have that dream that our business will become successful and sometimes we become more sensitive to the needs of the business that we often neglect more important things. In reality, we may think that we know the answer, or everyone thinks that they know the Read More
It is true that the success of the business relies on the hand of the workers. Whatever is the outcome of the business, the workers are accountable with it. An entrepreneur should be aware that there is what we called “inner-self”, this is something more important than the physical workers. Read More

15 Power Foods To Boost Your Business

15 Power Foods To Boost Your Business - Avatar Posted by andynew under Strategy
From 5354 days ago
Made Hot by: ShawnHessinger on October 5, 2009 12:14 pm
It often takes effort to stay focused and be productive as a small business owner. A good diet can go a long way towards making your business a success. Eating the right foods can give you energy, focus and improve your mood, not to mention your health. Drinking coffee will give you a temporary boost of energy and focus, but won't give you the nu Read More
If the survival of small business relies on the attitude of entrepreneurs, then it must have something to do with the attitude of persistence. You cannot start a small business without a risk. Whether you like it or not, you will be confronted with a lot of challenges. Read More

Tips for Bootstrappers « Bootstrapper Handbook for Startups

Tips for Bootstrappers «  Bootstrapper Handbook for Startups - Avatar Posted by andynew under Finance
From 5366 days ago
Made Hot by: girlopinion on September 23, 2009 2:01 pm
Reducing startup costs is very essential for bootstrappers. By any means, you must think twice in every details of your cash flow. Every single cent is important. This will determine the life of your business. Every throw of money should be well planned and should ensure that it creates good investment. Here are two useful tips that bootstrappers m Read More
The potential growth of the business relies on the hands of the people who will run it globally. The most essential element in Global Business is people. Remember that you are running a business in an environment with wide scope, so you surely can't do it alone. Handling a global business will require you to seek help. No matter how intelligent, e Read More
Being a candidate for a business loan may somehow drive you desperately. If you are into applying loans, you can think and do everything just to please your financial lending institution. One of the most effective ways to persuade your lender is to present valid and credible collateral. Through this, you can ensure your lender that you are capable Read More
I'm now preparing a speech for an important French political "university" and I read a lot about sentiment analysis that some companies are proud to automatically track. The thing is that I don't believe at all that it's yet relevant, or that it'll be one day. Read More
Social media is fast becoming a standard element in the marketing mix of major consumer brands. And with good reason: never before has such a creative landscape existed for people and the brands they love to interact, share stories and build relationships — in all directions. Read More

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