StephenLynch submitted the following stories to BizSugar

Here is the first in a 2 part series of common decision-making pitfalls that can trick our minds into making irrational decision Read More
One of the biggest challenges for managers is holding people accountable for execution.

It takes courage and skill to have those tough and timely conversations when someone is not achieving the required standards. Avoiding the issue and hoping things will get better are signs you are not doing your job as a manager. Read More
Here are some key success habits you can incorporate in your business to help drive accountability for strategic execution Read More
A survey of senior executives at 197 companies showed that firms achieve only 63% of the expected results of their strategic plans. The key reason is they don’t know how to execute effectivel Read More
As the end of a quarter approaches, effective companies book a meeting to review and debrief the results of their strategic execution over the last 90 days. Read More
A four year study of over 20,000 leaders documented in the book The Inspiring Leader - shows (unsurprisingly), that the ability to “inspire and motivate other people to high performance” is the most important indicator of leadership effectiveness - as rated by their direct reports, peers, and managers.

Being able to inspire people to high performance - also correlates positively with employee engagement and satisfaction.

Here are our recommendations for steps you can take to increase your ability to inspire others Read More
Here’s a quick primer on some of Jack's lessons to help you get the most from your sales team:

Coaching salespeople should be done in the field - not in the locker room. The most valuable use of a sales manager’s time is the real-time coaching of their salespeople in the fiel Read More
Yet more evidence that increasing employee engagement creates positive outcomes for all concerned. It makes business better for everyone – for you, for your people and for all your stakeholders. Read More
Strategic planning is difficult to do (and we seldom see it done well). But executing strategy is even more difficult. Here are some of the challenges managers must overcom Read More

7 tips for better customer service (and customer loyalty)

7 tips for better customer service (and customer loyalty) - Avatar Posted by StephenLynch under Customer Service
From 5134 days ago
Made Hot by: masonnorton on May 14, 2010 4:34 pm
First (and last) impressions matter

Research shows that customers remember the first and last moments of their interactions with you more vividly than the rest of it. Make sure the first and last elements of your customer interactions are a well-engineered, well documented process that all your team follow - because they are going to stick in the customer's memory Read More

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