StephanieChandler submitted the following stories to BizSugar

How Bootstrapping Could Be Hurting Your Business

How Bootstrapping Could Be Hurting Your Business - Avatar Posted by StephanieChandler under Marketing
From 4467 days ago
Made Hot by: jamiesteinberg on March 12, 2012 4:43 am
Are we so caught up in social media and online marketing strategies that we've forgotten to invest in traditional marketing? Or that our time actually has a value? Traditional marketing still works, especially in conjunction with online efforts. Read More
While many business owners pursue one client at a time, I'm a big believer in building an audience for your business and tapping into the power of community. Here is a list of 100 ways to find and engage your target audience. Read More

How to Build Your Following Like a Rock Band

How to Build Your Following Like a Rock Band  - Avatar Posted by StephanieChandler under Marketing
From 4504 days ago
Made Hot by: jamiesteinberg on February 5, 2012 11:59 pm
In order to grow your business you need to build your audience. Here are some examples of how rock bands dazzle their fans with suggestions for how you can too! Read More
Choosing to focus on a niche market can help you better connect with your target audience. Here are some simple ways you can research a potential niche market to find out if it makes sense for your business. Read More
In this first installation of a two-part series, I cover how I learned to put my first business (a retail store) on auto-pilot, and the lessons (and freedom!) gained from doing so. Read More
If you have avoided using Twitter because it doesn't make sense or it sounds like too much work, here are some reasons to consider giving it a second look. Read More
If you have a personal profile on LinkedIn, but haven't yet created a company profile, you are missing out on potential customers! It's easy and free to create your company page and it will improve your chances of being found in LinkedIn searches. Read More
If you're interested in launching online classes and events via teleseminar or webinar, here are some guidelines to get you started. Read More
Authoring a book is an excellent way to establish authority in your field and you can use your blog as the foundation. Here's how to turn your blogging efforts into publishing profits! Read More
If you're a speaker, you should get your content in front of as many people as possible. Here are some tips for sharing your slides with social media sites and beyond using Slideshare. Read More

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