JenniferWarawa submitted the following stories to BizSugar

As an entrepreneur, you're often required to wear many hats. However, there comes a time when it just makes sense to hire an expert. Is that time now? Read More

The True Value of "Face Time"

The True Value of "Face Time" - Avatar Posted by JenniferWarawa under Customer Service
From 4512 days ago
Made Hot by: Sun Tzu Business Guide on January 26, 2012 12:35 pm
We’re in an age where technology is thriving and in many cases, people have replaced face-to-face time with Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Skype, conference calls, IM and texting. Maybe we should challenge some of the current mediums of communication and remind people that face time has real value. Read More
When asked the question, the top five values most employers seek in their employees is fairly consistent across industries, companies and countries. This top five list is useful for both employers and employees. Read More
Whether you're a leader in a small business or a large corporation, your ability to hear and action feedback could make or break your next career move. This blog post identifies why being able to take feedback and apply it, regardless of how it's given, is so important. Read More

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