How Many Plugins Should You Install In WordPress?

How Many Plugins Should You Install In WordPress? - Avatar Posted by MarketWiz under Technology
From 4182 days ago
Made Hot by: Herby on December 28, 2012 8:09 pm
Some people have a couple dozen plugins installed and some have nearly 100 plugins installed in WordPress. However, how many plugins should you install in WordPress?


Written by tiroberts
3311 days ago

I usually recommend staying with the more mainstream plugins and one's that are actively updated and supported. All you need is one outdated plugin to leave a back door open for hackers or to crash your site when you update to the latest version of WP.

Written by tiroberts
3318 days ago

Great crowd funding tips. Thanks for sharing.

Written by tiroberts
3458 days ago

Great crowd funding tips. Thanks for sharing.

Written by tiroberts
3465 days ago

Love this article and you gave some great ideas. I really hate when I'm shopping online and I go to checkout and the store has a really complicated checkout process. One thing that REALLY grinds my gears is when I checkout and I end up having extra things on my bill that I didn't even want! All because it was hard for me to decipher what was in my cart because of all the "extraness" they have in the checkout process.

Written by tiroberts
3522 days ago

I usually recommend staying with the more mainstream plugins and one's that are actively updated and supported. All you need is one outdated plugin to leave a back door open for hackers or to crash your site when you update to the latest version of WP.

Written by GaryShouldis
4173 days ago

I don't think it's so much the number of plugins but rather the quality of them. If the code is clean, you can have 50 plugins running and not skip a beat. On the other hand, one poorly written plugin can bring your site to a crawl, or just crash it completely.

I usually recommend staying with the more mainstream plugins and one's that are actively updated and supported. All you need is one outdated plugin to leave a back door open for hackers or to crash your site when you update to the latest version of WP.

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