Strategic planning for the new year

Strategic planning for the new year - Avatar Posted by blfarris under Strategy
From 4190 days ago
Made Hot by: Cathode Ray Dude on December 13, 2012 3:18 am
What is changing in your business? What do you have to have figured out by this time next year? You need to set clear priorities for the things that HAVE to happen next year to make your business a success. These are the things you should be committed 100 percent to completing.


Written by blfarris
4188 days ago

Glad it helped. Don't know if it's the dark, or the holidays, but it's definitely a good time to reflect, set priorities, and get reved up for the new year.

Written by tiroberts
4188 days ago

Thanks for sharing this post with us. I especially really needed to read it. In just this last quarter of 2012, my blog and business just started to pick up some momentum. So I really need to sit back and take a look at what I want the accomplish in 2013 to propel my business to the next level. Thanks so much for sharing your insights we our BizSugar community. I appreciate it!


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