What You’re Not Told When Starting A Business

What You’re Not Told When Starting A Business - http://www.businessbanter.com Avatar Posted by businessbanter under Startups
From http://www.businessbanter.com 3971 days ago
Made Hot by: lyceum on July 25, 2013 4:03 am
Starting a business comes with its complications but learning from others' experience can make starting a business more fruitful. Here's what I found which I'd like to share with you.


Written by viralwriter
3960 days ago

its all about hard work, without it, i don't think you would run be able to run the race, let alone reaching the finish line.

Written by businessbanter
3953 days ago

Absolutely! But hard work comes in many forms. I love networking and had been talking to this guy for many months. Then one day, he mentioned he was looking for a venue to host a charity ball, as luck would have it, I had also recently met and got to know the director of a Football (soccer) club who has a stunning venue.

I introduced the 2 and the charity event has been booked. The venue director said to me, "oh, it seems like this referral just fell on your lap". Little did the director know I spent months networking which is a lot of hard work and only when he felt comfortable did he mention about the charity event.

What did I get out of it... nothing but pleasure! Will they remember me? Yes, for life! I'm very credible in their eyes ;) But it's all hard work!

Written by lyceum
3960 days ago

Shameer Shah: I like your expression: "it takes two to tango." I say that it is a two-way street with a voluntarily exchange of values between two parties.

Written by businessbanter
3953 days ago

Exactly, benefit and value goes a long way when appreciated by both involved. I agree :)

Written by lyceum
3965 days ago

I nodded when I read the following statement: "Customers are not always right" I am an experienced purchaser, so I am allowed to say it! ;)

Written by businessbanter
3961 days ago

Hey thanks. We all help customers as much as we can, and even when they are wrong. The key is to listen, understand and be open to conversation. As they say it takes two to tango. There's no right or wrong as a view point.

Written by BizRock
3971 days ago

Great article!Useful tips for those who want to start a business,Keep learning, and be adaptable to change.Thanks for this article!

Written by businessbanter
3961 days ago

Thank you. I agree, we would hope we all belong to the 'School of life' where learning takes place everyday.

Written by bigmoneyweb
3971 days ago

The very best way to learn a business just like any other things is simply to learn from other people this way, it will be very easy for you. Thanks for sharing this with the bizsugar community.


Written by businessbanter
3961 days ago

Thanks for reading and commenting. I completely agree, learning from others and from your own mistakes is a must for valid business growth. Cheers

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