How to find your perfect business idea

How to find your perfect business idea  - Avatar Posted by Strinv under Startups
From 4116 days ago
Made Hot by: Entrepreneurosaurus on February 24, 2013 5:55 pm
Many people dream of starting their own business, but how can you find an idea that will work for you. If your dreams of running your own business are frustrated by the notion that you have to come up with a brilliant new idea, think again. The key is to come up with a business concept that is relevant in today's market to meet customers' needs. The majority of successful new businesses are based on existing ideas, products or services with maybe a tweak or improvement in the offering, thereby creating its appeal in the current market.


Written by mikehartman1
4115 days ago

It´s really good article...I have no idea why this isn't taught in schools,great stuff.

Written by Strinv
4115 days ago

Yeah, it is great article. I agree, why this isn't taught in schools. ... I'm always on the search for a great advices. I was happy to share it.

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